The Easy Way to Learn Accounting – for Free!
5,000+ Accounting, Finance, and Business terms & topics explained. Start learning with My Accounting Course today!

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Don’t Know Where to Get Started?
Don’t worry. You can check out the Getting Started Guide or start with these accounting topics!
Accounting Terms
My accounting dictionary is written completely in everyday, non-accounting language, so you can understand it. I explain each accounting term in detail and give a few examples…
Accounting Basics
Accounting deals with identifying business activities, recording these activities, and communicating these activities with investors and creditors…
Accounting Principles
The rules of accounting is based on a framework of accounting principles and concepts. It is important to understand and memorize these accounting principles because…
Accounting Cycle
Accounting cycle is the financial process starting with recording business transactions and leading up to the preparation of financial statements…
Financial Statements
Financial statements are reports prepared and issued by company management to give investors and creditors additional information about a company’s performance and financial standings…
Financial Ratios
Financial ratios are mathematical comparisons of financial statement accounts or categories. Relationships like the gross margin ratio help investors and creditors analyze a company’s…
CPA Exam
Becoming a CPA is one of the most important steps in your career. Learn how to start your CPA journey, fulfill your state CPA requirements, and pick the right CPA review course to pass the exam…
What Are People Saying About My Accounting Course?
I love your way to explain in plane English the basic knowledge for this accounting course. Currently I am working on my MBA, however I don’t have background on accounting.
Carlos G., MBA Student
This course has helped a lot especially for some of us without an accounting background and needed to understand the financials.
Obiora O., Student
I’m an MBA student from Uganda in Makerere University. These Journals will help me so much in my Masters course units in financial accounting.
Bake S., MBA Student
I am really excited about having this course for help on my college course.
Carrie S., College Student
THANK YOU for all the time and effort you put into creating the My Accounting Course website. It was my go to when trying to understand the accounting course I took last semester in graduate school. It’s my go to now as I launch my own company and try to figure out all of the financial stuff on my own.
Autumn M., Small Business Owner
Welcome to My Accounting
Accounting Training for the rest of us!
Hi, I’m Shaun. I’m a CPA who worked in Public Accounting for the better portion of a decade. Like many of you, I know from experience that accounting can be difficult to understand. Textbooks can be difficult to read and give you more information than necessary to understand accounting concepts. That is why I started My goal is to help you understand accounting principles by breaking down accounting concepts into everyday language, so you can understand them and learn faster– for free. also has many examples of basic accounting events and situations for you to study. My example journal entries include diagrams and tables to help illustrate concepts in the study guide. I also have an ever-expanding accounting dictionary with hundreds of accounting terms for you to reference.
After you get done using my accounting course, you can take advantage of the accountant career planning section. Whether you want to become a CPA, bookkeeper, or just understand your business better, I have information about how to use your new accounting knowledge.
If you have any questions about accounting concepts or principles, my articles, or suggestions for new accounting topics, please feel free to email me.